Resource Overallocation



I have adjusted the percentages for the resource to show that he is allocated
properly. However his name still stands out in red. In the work row there
are no hours posted in red. What else could be wrong.

MS Project 2003 Professional


Gary said:
I have adjusted the percentages for the resource to show that he is allocated
properly. However his name still stands out in red. In the work row there
are no hours posted in red. What else could be wrong.

MS Project 2003 Professional

I could be that you are not looking at the right level of detail.
Project bases its overallocation on two things, the number of work hours
in a day (default is 8) and the availability of each resource. Although
when viewed on a weekly basis, a particular resource may not be
overallocated, it could well be that he is on one particular day. Or, if
the resource is only available for 4 hours per day (part time employee)
but one or more of his assignments require him to work 8 hours, that
resource is overallocated.

Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker


Warning: even if a resource is overallocated for as little as one minute (he
or she has two meetings scheduled, both from 9:00 am till 9:01 am) it will
show "red"!
Also read; faq 34. Overallocation
occurring in less than one day
Hope this helps


My resource levelling was set to 'day by day'. I do see red highlight though
the number of hours allocated per day is less than their work hours. However
when I use the button 'go to next overallocation' it does skip the red cells
that are not really overallocated and goes to true overallocated cell. How to
remove the 'red' for tasks that are not overallocated. Not that all
underallocated cells are red.

Mike Glen

Hi Murthy,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Have you tried levelling hour by hour or minute by minute?

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


Thanks for the quick response and solution. I will try and let the group know
the results.

Steve House

Those are NOT cases of Project wrongly idifying overallocations. When a
resource is on two tasks that overlap and the assignment perecentage on both
is such that the total exceeds the maximum allowed percentage, the resource
is overallocated. For example, I have a resource who works an 8 hour day,
is allowed a maximum of 100%, and is assigned to 2 tasks. One task is 4
hours duration, the other is 2 hours. He's assigned 100% to each so he's
doing 4 hours work on 1 and 2 hours work on the other for a total of 6
hours. He's allowed to work 8 but he's only assigned to work 6, 75% of his
allowed time. Yet the name is in red indicating he's overallocated. Why?
The missing crucial piece of information is the times the tasks are
scheduled. One is currently scheduled to run from 8 to 12, the other is a
staff meeting from 8 to 10. Even though the totals appear to be okay,
between 8 and 10 he's expected to be in two places at once, doing a total of
4 man-hours of work in only 2 hours of time, a physical impossibility. One
of those tasks has to be delayed until it's moved clear of the other.

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