resource plan



Hi there, new to this and I was wandering if anyone could help ?

in a table of staff resources I have fields for [date from], [date to] and a
field recording the time committed to a task between these dates ie 0.1(10%),
0.5 (50%) etc this is called [FTE]. I would like to create a query which
shows by month the appropriate resources committed. So for example if
Resource A has 0.5 FTE commitment between 01/01/2009 and 01/06/2009 then in
the query for months Jan09, Feb09, Mar09, Apr09 and May09 there would 0.5 in
the cell and 0 either side of these dates. I have used the following approach
so far (expression for the month of May09) but it seems to not be able to
differentiate between dates. Does anyone have any ideas ?

thanks Ed

May09: IIf([date from]>=#01/05/2009# and [date to]<=#31/05/2009#,[fte],0)


just wanted to say I have cracked this, hope I havent wasted any ones time, I
spent quite a few hours thinking about it and couldnt solve it, but tried
something else, very simple and it did the trick

May09: IIf(#01/05/2009# Between [date from] And [date to],[fte],0)

thanks Ed

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