Frank Paynter
I have a resource (John) assigned 100% to a 5 day task, 8hrs/day for a
total of 40 hours. John is not assigned to any other tasks. However,
when I look at the resource sheet, I see John's total work is
66.67hrs. If I click the '+' sign to display all tasks on which John
is assigned, I see only the one task with a total of 40hrs.
Am I missing something here or has MS decided that 5x8 = 66.67 for
large values of 8?
total of 40 hours. John is not assigned to any other tasks. However,
when I look at the resource sheet, I see John's total work is
66.67hrs. If I click the '+' sign to display all tasks on which John
is assigned, I see only the one task with a total of 40hrs.
Am I missing something here or has MS decided that 5x8 = 66.67 for
large values of 8?