Resource Shift Work & Multiple Projects



Hi All

We are implementing a number of projects using a shared resource pool.
Four of our resources are utilised on the Help Desk so I have created
a project called "Help Desk" on which I want to put these four

The problems I have are:
1) these people work rotating shifts on a four weekly basis with
overlapping hours – is there any way of implementing these hours for
the staff without having to individually edit their resource calendars
as the projects I am look at span the next five years
2) these people have different skill sets and need to be able to be
utilised on other tasks within the project and on other projects.
However, there needs to be at least one person on the Help Desk at any
one time. So I need to be able to assign them to a task called "Help
Desk" and then pull them off this to work on other tasks & projects as
the need arises.

The only ways I can figure out how to do this is:
1) create four tasks, one for each shift – assign the resources at
100% to each of the tasks and then manually edit the hours they are
working in the Resource Usage view
2) create a task called "Help Desk", edit the resources individual
calendars to reflect the shifts they are working on and then assign
all the resources to the task and then use the Resource Usage view to
see where they overlap so that I can then utilise them at that time on
other tasks / projects.

Are either of the options the best way to approach the situation or
does anyone have a better solution.

Using Project 2003 Professional.


Rod Gill


Keep it simple, Set each resource to have a Max Units of 75% which allows
one of them to be on the help desk at any one time. Don't worry about
scheduling times, worry only about the hours per week.

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Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services


Hi Julie
Whilst I am working with 2002 Std, you haven't mentioned
using Task Calendars for your help desk project.
If you haven't tried this already create a Task Calendar
for the hours required (just create a normal new calendar)
then apply this calendar to the task under the Advanced
When you assign resources to this task they will only be
able to spend the hrs the calendar allows, and only
schedule hours when it matches their resource calendar.


Steve House

I tend to think of resources in general as "skill set packages."Since the
resources have different skill sets I would suggest listing them as
individuals - Bill, Mary, etc. Do NOT have an "aggregate resource" called
Help Desk with a max avail of 400% - you have to have one or the other as
project has no way of knowing that Bill is also on of the 4 Help Deskers.
An aggregate resource, like using "carpenters, 500%" to represent 5
carpenters, implies that the people are freely interchangeable and it
doesn't matter which member of the group is assigned to a task, which is not
the case in your circumstance. Their work shift then is described by their
individual resource calendar. You can use the Resource Group field as a
reminder that they are all Help Desk resources and to group their work and
costs for reporting. I can't think of a way to automate insuring that one
of them is always on duty on the help desk task, you'll just have to do that
manually - that why they pay the pm big bucks, to keep her eye on such
details <LOL>.

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