Resource Usage - entering actual time and adjusting finish dates



OK - so you find out that a resource has used up the entire alloted hours but
is not finished with the task. They give you a new task and estimate that
over 2 more weeks they will work 10 hours a week in order to get the task
What I think occurs here is a bit odd. At the time I enter in the hours for
last week I notice that the finish date automatically gets adjusted to last
week because the hours are spent (OK so far). in the Resource Usage grid I
have created a view so it shows Work and Actual Work by week. I adjust that
resources finish date for that task to next week (creating a duration of 2
weeks) I enter 10 hours into this week's column for the Work row and the
same for next week's column (Work row). What happens is that this week's
Actual Work AUTOMATICALLY updates to be whatever value I entered in the WORK
I can only assume that there is a mechanism within project that identies
today's date and if that date falls in the range of the current week, it will
assume that whatever I enter in the Work row will the Actual Work for this
week and therefore auto-magically updates the actual work.
Is there something I can do to stop this?
I haven't tried changting the Resource Usage grid to days - I don't want to
go down that path...
MS Project stand alone desktop, 2003 (SP3)
Thanks, Peter

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