Resource Use - Odd Error in Sum!


Luis Eugenio


I'm using Project 2007 in my office and a friend of mine sent me a mpp
file with an odd problem. Everything seemed fine, a few tasks and
resources correctly allocated to them. The problem is that, when I go to
"Resource Use", although the amount of work on each task is correct, the
sum in the "Resource Name" is incorrect.

Below there is an image to clarify the problem (this is my first
thread, if image doesn't apper, you can see it at

In this example, Resource "Qualidade" only has one task with 5,37hs,
but the total work for this resource is 29,37hs. Same happened with
other resources.

If I copy and paste all the tasks to a new mpp file, the sums on the
new file are ok. But in this particular file it is not. Since this is
the original file and we don't know what happened, we are affraid that
this error could happen again in other (and more complex!) projects and
lead us to miscalculations.

Any help is welcome.

Luis Eugenio

|Filename: error_project.PNG |


Luis Eugenio said:

I took a look at your posted image. First, in the timescaled data, do
the monthly hours add up to 29,37 hrs? I suspect they do. Second, go to
Tools/Options/Calculation tab. Is calculation mode set for "automatic"?
If not, set it to automatic and that should fix the problem. If
calculation is already set to automatic, the file may have some
corruption. Go to our MVP website at,, and try one or more of the methods
described in FAQ 43 - Handling project file corruption and/or bloat.

Project MVP

Luis Eugenio

Hi John! Thanks for your reply. The monthly hours really add up to 29,37
hrs. That's alone is odd, since we were using this resource only at 100%
and the tasks are "fixed duration" and all multiples of a full day (I
mean, always 1 day, 2 days, 3 days and so on, never like 1,5 day or so).
This would never lead to fractional hours if my logic is correct.

Calculation mode was already set to Automatic. I'll check the MVP site
for further help.

I don't know Project deeply like other Office programs, but I found odd
a problem with the calculation. I tought of file corruption, but wasn't
sure if this could lead to a sum problem like these.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
Luis Eugenio

Mike Glen

Hi Luis,

Fractions are generally caused by a mis-match of settings. You might like to
see FAQ Item: 5. Default Working Hours. FAQs, companion products and other
useful Project information can be seen at this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

Steve House

Note that Project always actually records and tracks duration in minutes to
the nearest 10th. Users are allowed to use more preferred units such as
hours, days, weeks, etc for input and reporting as a matter of convenience
but for calculation purposes those numbers are ALWAYS converted to minutes

"Fixed Duration" does not mean the duration never changes nor does it
guarantee it can never end up in a fractional day. When a resource is
assigned to a task he is assigned at a certain effort percentage for a
certain time and produces a certain amount of work, computed by the equation
W=D*U. Fixed duration only means that if you EDIT an EXISTING assignment
and change the Units, duration is fixed and the work is recomputed; or if
you edit the Work, duration also remains fixed and the Units are recomputed.
Note you can still freely change the duration of a Fixed Duration task and
when you do, it behaves as if it were Fixed Units and recomputes the Work

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