Resources stay checked in

  • Thread starter DanielAckermann
  • Start date


I have resources that are shown as checked out in the Resource Center view,
and also in the Server Settings / Manage users view.
I can not force a check-in of the Resource as the resource is not flagged as
checked out in Server Setting / Force Check In of Enterprise Object.

I can not edit these resources and get an "Unknown Error" when trying.
Synchronization of the resources with AD also fails.

Does any one know what is going on?

Thank you.

David Ducolon

Hi Daniel,

If this is happening in project pro then you must clear your cache. If this
is a server feature that won't let you access the resource due to it being
checked out and it doesn't show in the Server Settings list of resources to
"Force Check-in" then you will have to go into the DB.

Accessing the DB is risky and not recommended. that said sometimes you have
to do whatever to get your system working properly. You will want to access
the Published DB and then the MSP_RESOURCES file. There is a bitwise flag
designating a resource is checked out. I will let you read the column
labels; it is fairly obvious but I don't want to broadly publish that here.
Set the value to 0 from 1.

With these two solutions, you should be able to resolve any issue that you
may have with a stuck checked out resource.

David Ducolon



Thank you very much! I will try that.

Any idea why this is happening in the first place?


David Ducolon

Hi Daniel,

There are many possible reasons. The first would be a bug in the timing of
the Active Sync between project server and the project client applications.
The next would be an issue with the Project Server Queue. Beyond that, for
your scenario, I cannot think of any weak points in the code that supports
your data-flow.


Gary Chefetz


You don't mention your patch levels, so I'm curious as to whether your
system is up to date. There have been a number of active cache fixes and
upgrades pushed through the service packs and CUs. I'd recommend that you
bring your system up to date, if it isn't already.

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