resources vs. users



OK...can someone comment on the practice of creating users "manually"
via PWA instead of having them be created "naturally" when they are
added as a resource.

Any good reason to go through PWA...perhaps for Executives and others
that probably won't end up being resources in the enterprise resource

Who is using this approach and why?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

If someone in your organization will never serve as a team member in a
project, such as an executive or senior manager, then you do not need to add
them to the Enteprise Resource Pool. Instead, you can create a user account
for them only in PWA and assign them to the appropriate Group or Groups.
Hope this helps.


Well, if I've already added them to the resource pool, is there a way
to delete the resource but keep the user?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

You could delete each of these people using the Clean Up Project Server
Database function in the Admin section of PWA. Doing so would delete each
of them from both the Enterprise Resource Pool and from the Users section of
PWA. You would then need to create each user account in PWA only. Hope
this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

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