respect proportions of x and y axis



I want to create a (bubble) chart that looks square.
I gave the same max and min value to x and y axis, but by default the chart
area is set in a rectangular shape.
How can I make the chart area square, having also a plot area with a square
shape ?

B. R.Ramachandran


Click on any spot in the the chart area; you will see that 'handles' (tiny
solid squares) are created at the corners and the midpoint of each side of
the rectangular chart area. Move the cursor to one of them (preferably a
midpoint); the cursor will change into a tiny double-headed arrow. Resize
the rectangle into a square (by holding the left-side mouse-button and moving
the cursor appropriately).

You can similarly change the aspect ratio of the plot area, by clicking on a
spot in the plot area and following the same steps as above.

B. R. Ramachandran


Thanks, but the only thing I can change is the shape of the plot area. When I
select the chart area and move the cursor on its handles it does not change
to the double-headed arrow that allows re-shaping.


perchance is your chart in its own tab? When a chart is its own tab,
the size/shape of the overall chart area is determined by the paper
size/margin size settings in the page setup dialog. In this case, you
create a square chart area by changing the paper size/margin settings
to create a square printing area.

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