Upsh said:
Hi John,
I'm not sure if I got it:
a) The ressource cost data in the italic rows of my Task Usage View is
"assignment data" not the original "ressource data".
b) It is not possible to access assignment data from a formula.
What is "assignment data"? Is it something like a pointer or link to
the original ressource data?
Why isn't it possible to combine task data and ressource data within
the same view?
Did you read the FAQ? Sometimes you have to read something several times
to get the full gist of the information. But, let me re-iterate a couple
of points.
a) The Task Usage view shows Task and Assignment data, there is no
resource data. Likewise the Resource Usage view show Resource and
Assignment data, there is no task data.
b) "Formulas are only available for task or resource spare fields - they
are not available for assignment spare fields." (A direct quote from the
What exactly is assignment data? It is the bridge between tasks and
resources. From a task viewpoint assignment data looks a lot like
resource data but it is not. And from a resource viewpoint assignment
data looks a lot like task data but it is not. Task data can exist by
itself as can resource data, but assignment data can only exist in the
presence of both a task and a resource. I know, that sounds a little
confusing but that's the way the Project database structure was set up -
way back when.
Why isn't it possible to combine task and resource data in a single
view? I don't really know but with the existence of assignment data the
two combination views (i.e. Task and Resource Usage) provide the
equivalent information. Some fields are shared and can be viewed in more
than one view type. For example, the Resource Initials field can be
viewed in a task view or a resource view. The Cost field can be shown in
any view type.
Hopefully I've explained it a little better. If you still have a
specific question, I'll be glad to help further.
John schrieb:
I tried to access ressource cost of a certain task - those rows that
are formatted in italic - from a formula in a custom field but that
not work.
If I add the field "cost" each ressource row correctly displays the
cost per ressource. The task row correctly shows the sum of all
ressource cost per task.
If I add the custom field "Cost1" with a formula which consists of
nothing than "[Cost]" then the ressource rows show "0". In the task
ressource cost are correctly summed.
Does anybody know how to access (single) ressource cost in Task Usage
I think you might benefit by going to our MVP website at:
and reading FAQ 51 - Data Types: Task, Resource and Assignments. Then
you still have a question, post back.
Project MVP