Jan Martel
This is getting worse and worse. I know list numbering is a pain. I know
there are all sorts of problems. But I thought this was a simple thing and
shouldn¹t cause a problem. So, I formatted my headings to have numbering.
Heading 1's numbering continues throughout the document, but I want heading
2 to restart each time there's a new heading 1 and heading 3 to restart each
time there's a new heading 2. So, I just did a new heading 1 and then put in
a heading 2 and it's continuing from before. I tried doing Format>Bullets &
Numbers and the "restart" button is grey. I tried
Format>Style>Modify>Numbers but there isn't a "restart" button there. I
looked in Word Help without getting any answers. So I'm here again
there are all sorts of problems. But I thought this was a simple thing and
shouldn¹t cause a problem. So, I formatted my headings to have numbering.
Heading 1's numbering continues throughout the document, but I want heading
2 to restart each time there's a new heading 1 and heading 3 to restart each
time there's a new heading 2. So, I just did a new heading 1 and then put in
a heading 2 and it's continuing from before. I tried doing Format>Bullets &
Numbers and the "restart" button is grey. I tried
Format>Style>Modify>Numbers but there isn't a "restart" button there. I
looked in Word Help without getting any answers. So I'm here again