restarting autonumber field



I want to place the autonumber fields in my document to have something like Text 1, Text 2 etc. and I know how to do it. But I need to have this repeated three times in my document. Is it any way to reset the autonumber so that I will have Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 etc. and later in the document again Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 etc

Thanks for advice



John Davidson

Try recording a macro, start recording, then select from the menu Format
Bullets & Numbering and set the Restart Numbering radio button. Then
see what you have in the macro, you should then be able to use some of
that code in your existing code.
John D.

Charles Kenyon

Look into the Seq field which will allow you to have any number of separate

Tony said:
I want to place the autonumber fields in my document to have something
like Text 1, Text 2 etc. and I know how to do it. But I need to have this
repeated three times in my document. Is it any way to reset the autonumber
so that I will have Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 etc. and later in the document
again Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 etc.

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