Restore Backup Copy of Schedule


Lisa H

I need some help. We do regular weekly backups of our project schedules in
case of problems. Well we have a big problem. One of the project managers had
a schedule with around 48,000 actual hours against it. He opened the schedule
last night to find only about 1,000 actual hours. I have a backup copy of the
published schedule from Monday that I would like to restore. However, I do
not know the proper procedure for restoring the schedule and keeping the 48k
hours in tact in PWA. Please advise if there is such a procedure or any other
suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Lisa H --

You will need to ask the Project Server administrator to delete the bad
project from the Project Server database, and then the PM can import the
backup version using Tools - Enterprise Options - Import Project to
Enterprise. After he/she imports the project, he will need to publish the
project as follows:

1. Click Collaborate - Publish - All Information
2. Click Collaborate - Publish - Republish Assignments
3. In the Republish Assignments dialog, select the "Overwrite actual work
entered by resources"
4. Click OK

If the bad project in question has linked Risks, Issues, or Documents, then
refer to the following FAQ for the steps needed to preserver the WSS subweb
for the project when deleting it: Documents/DeleteProjectWithoutSubweb.htm

Hope this helps.

Lisa H

My understanding is that following that process, the hours in PWA are lost.
Please advise.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Lisa --

Your understanding is absolutely incorrect. In my last post, steps #2-4 of
the publishing process take care of that problem after the PM imports the
project back into the Project Server system. Those steps "push" the actuals
from the Microsoft Project plan back to each user's timesheet in PWA. Hope
this helps.

Lisa H

Is the administrator the only one with the priveleges to overwrite actual
work entered by resources?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Lisa H --

No, the project managers can do this because they have permission to publish
the project. Hope this helps.

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