Restore Excel Application Window after proccesing ...


Vlado Sveda

Hello gurus !

I have interesting question for you (and it is equal to my current nightmare

I'm oppening Lotus Notes PickList window from Excel VBA, check next code

Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
Set Collection = workspace.PickListCollection(3, True, MyServer,
MyDbName, MyView, MyTitle, MyPrompt)

My problem is, that I'm not able to restore (better say to put to
foreground) Excel after Lotus Notes PickList window is closed.
Could you please help me, how to return focus back to Excel ?

Thank you all in advance !

Vlado Sveda


place the following line when you want excel to appear again

application.windowstate = xlmaximized
'can use xlnormal if you don't want the window maximized

I hope it is that easy!

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