restoring entourage calendar



While syncing my Entourage calendar to iCal, my entire Entourage calendar was
deleted (all events past and future). Everything is backed up on TimeMachine,
but I can't find the relevant file.

How do I find the backed up calendar file and restore? What is the file
called? What is the extension?

Thanks for your help.

Diane Ross

janvt said:
How do I find the backed up calendar file and restore? What is the file
called? What is the extension?

Entourage stores everything in the database. You'll need to move or rename
your current Identity THEN restore the database with the calendar info. Use
Export as Entourage archive (.rge) and check Calendar events only.

Now switch back to your regular Identity and import that file.

It's advised by the developers not to let Time Machine backup your Entourage
database. If the
database is copied while being used, the backup could be corrupt. You can
set the Time Machine to exclude the Microsoft User Data folder and create an
iCal event to copy it over at night while not in use so you get one backup
daily in Time Machine.

Alternative method to use Entourage and Time Machine (does a once a day or
whatever time period you select)


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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janvt via

Thanks for your help, it worked! Now, can I safely delete the copy (renamed
identity) that I made? Also, the link you sent does not work. Would you try
Thanks. janvt

Diane Ross

janvt via said:
Thanks for your help, it worked! Now, can I safely delete the copy (renamed
identity) that I made?

Yes, it's safe to delete it now.
Also, the link you sent does not work. Would you try

I've included another link that uses the workflow for the alternative backup

Backup Entourage

Alternative method to use Entourage and Time Machine (does a once a day or
whatever time period you select)


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>
YouTalk <> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <>

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