Restoring Identity & Mail "on my computer"




I started having problems with Entourage (2008) yesterday; after
rebuilding the database a few times without any success, I deleted the
Office 2008 and reinstalled (2004 - upgrade to 2008) and applied two
Service Packs. I then restored a back-up Identity from a separate
drive and switched identities.

I was expecting to find my saved mail, in various folders, under the
"On My Computer" drop down, but it's not there.

Where is it and how do I get it back?

I backup data frequently, to two different drives, so I expect to find



Diane Ross

Entourage 2008 and Entourage 2004 use entirely different Identities. An
Entourage 2008 Identity is not backwards compatible.

You will need to reinstall Office 2008 and update before you can access your

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