Restoring my OneNote Files



After losing all my OneNote files after installing Office Professional 2003
SP2 (and thank them for that cause I'm not the only one), I did a search for
the files and did find them by doing a *.one search. Found the files and then
backed them up on an external drive. Restored my computer completely and
re-installed all my programs.

The back up of those OneNote files are on my external drive and I don't know
how to get those OneNote files out of the backup, then place them into my
newly re-installation of One note. Can someone please help me understand the
easiest way to do this?

Thank you so very much

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I don't know how you structured what you backed up, but here are some
broad approaches.

If you have your .one files in a single directory then you can just
copy them back into the My Notebook folder on your machine. Then use
Move in OneNote to put them into folders etc.

If you want to copy specific .one files to specific folders on your
computer then copy groups of backup files to the relevant folders
using Ctrl+click or Shift+click, as appropriate.

If you have your .one files in folders in the backup CD (or whatever)
copy the folders into the My Notebook folder.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


My only problem is, I've never opened up a back up file before where those
OneNote files are that I backed up. how do I do this and should I first put
them on my external drive then integrate them into OneNote. It's always been
easy for me to create a backup, but to reopen one I've never done where all
the files exist.

Sorry for the stupidity. Remember, the back up file is on my external drive
and not my newly re-installed/restored machine. It's just a Windows backup

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Just to confirm - you used the built-in Windows Backup utility and backed
up some portion of your hard drive to a *.BKF file?

If so, double-click on the BKF file and follow the wizard - you should be
able to select the specific files and folders to restore from that file.
Assuming you have not changed any of OneNote's defaults, you should select
"C:\Documents and Settings\{your name}\My Documents\" and place a check
next to "My Notebook" to select that folder and only that folder for

Assuming your reinstalled copy of OneNote is installed in the same
location, you shouldn't need to do the copy steps suggested elsewhere in
this thread by Trackzilla.


Amazing. You're the only one who made elementary sense, and I thank you.
Perfection personfified.

Unbelievable. Microsoft Office Professional SP2 wiped out a lot of files
even without touching the registry. They notified me of the corrections and
millions of people lost files so if anyone thinks it's just a "OneNote"
issue, it wasn't. You made clear, precise sense.

Who are you? Amazing...


I got half way there and was somewhat confused. I'd do anything if you could
help me get those files back. Could I send you the .BKF file sir? This is
urgent to my small business....

You're the best! Best advice out there. I just need a little coaching and
some help...
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