Restrict Access or View



I have a employee database that is on a share drive. 6 managers access the
database through a front end that I send to them. Is there a way to build a
filter into their individual front ends so that they can only see the data
for their divisions? There is a field, fldCenter, that I use to filter
records when I want to see just that Center's employee records so I believe
this should be possible. Please help with code examples if able. Thanks

Mr. B

Hi, MackBlale.

First, you do not have to build individual frontends. If you do that, you
are, in my oponion, just creating more problems for youself. You will have
multiple files to have to maintain, when you really do not have to do that.

You can have code in the frontend file that will simply identify the current

See the following link from "The Access Web" to get you started:

You code would then provide the filter to the form based on the User that is
logged in. You could use a Case statement to do that.

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