Restricting formatting in Word 2003



I'm using Word 2003 and have created a custom template with custom styles
which I use to give documents the same look. I want to restrict formatting
to the custom styles I've created and don't want users to be able to modify
the styles or paste in new styles. I've followed the procedure for
restricting formatting but when I remove headings from the list Word changes
all of my numbered headings to unnumbered headings. Anyone know why it's
doing this and how I can override it?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VGVjaGF0d29yaw==?=,
I'm using Word 2003 and have created a custom template with custom styles
which I use to give documents the same look. I want to restrict formatting
to the custom styles I've created and don't want users to be able to modify
the styles or paste in new styles. I've followed the procedure for
restricting formatting but when I remove headings from the list Word changes
all of my numbered headings to unnumbered headings. Anyone know why it's
doing this and how I can override it?
You've probably used numbering pre-linked to the built-in heading styles.
Removing the styles therefore removes the numbering.

Set up a new custom outline numbering scheme and link the levels to your custom
styles that you use for the headings.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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