Restricting the user to make just ONE CHOICE in a set of radio buttons, within an option group


Henrik Jansson

As a newbie I took for granted that by simply defining an option group and
place a set of radio buttons inside the group of my form, MS Access 2007
will automatically restrict the user to make just ONE choice (like an old -
or retro-designed - radio's buttons would work in real life)

This seems not be the case, so I kindly ask you guys for some help here.

I have really been spending hours to find a solution (i.e. without bothering
you) by scanning through 12 th. messages in the public.access news group,
however with result = nil. I guess my question could be too simple, or? ;-).

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Does the option group control invoke a wizard when you place it on a form ?
The reason I ask is that the option group wizard contains the radio buttons
as part of the routine along with labels, default value, field to store in
You do not place the separate radio button controls inside the option group.

Henrik Jansson

Thank your so much for your answer Ronaldo!

Like you figured out, I placed my radio button controls seperately inside
the group. I'll try to find and invoke the wizard you are talking about. It
might take some time, since I'm working with a Swedish Access version :)

RonaldoOneNil said:
Does the option group control invoke a wizard when you place it on a form
The reason I ask is that the option group wizard contains the radio
as part of the routine along with labels, default value, field to store in
You do not place the separate radio button controls inside the option

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To invoke the wizard, make sure the wand Icon is selected in the top of your
control toolbox.

KenSheridan via


Unless things have changed radically in between earlier versions and Access
2007 (which I don't use, so can't check this) there is absolutely no reason
for not being able to do it manually in the way you described. I can't
believe that the situation will have changed, however, or it would make it
impossible to add an additional option button to an option group after its
initial design. The only thing I can think of to explain the behaviour you
experienced is that you added the radio button to an area of the form outside
the option group frame and then moved it into the frame.

If you first add an option group control to a form in design view and then
add radio buttons by dropping them into the frame (it will become highlighted
when you do this), each will become an option button of the frame and they
will be given sequential numbers as their OptionValue properties. Only one
can be selected.

If on the other hand you add a radio button by dropping it into an area of
the form outside the frame then it will be an independent control without an
OptionValue property. Instead it will have a ControlSource property. Its
analogous to a check box control. If you then move this control inside the
option group frame it will still be an independent control, not one of the
frame's group of buttons.

The wizard is a convenient way of building an option group, but its by no
means essential to doing so. Even if you do use the wizard to create a group,
you can still add additional radio buttons to the group by dropping them into
the frame manually in design view.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Henrik said:
Thank your so much for your answer Ronaldo!

Like you figured out, I placed my radio button controls seperately inside
the group. I'll try to find and invoke the wizard you are talking about. It
might take some time, since I'm working with a Swedish Access version :)
Does the option group control invoke a wizard when you place it on a form
[quoted text clipped - 33 lines]

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Meddelandet har kontrollerats av ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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