Thank you Sir for your quick response and guidance. Here is my full code:
Function FlatRateTax(TotalIncomePerAnnum)
Select Case TotalIncomePerAnnum
Case Is > 8650000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 4550000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.19, 0)
Case Is > 3550000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.185, 0)
Case Is > 2850000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.175, 0)
Case Is > 2250000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.16, 0)
Case Is > 1950000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.15, 0)
Case Is > 1700000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.14, 0)
Case Is > 1450000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.125, 0)
Case Is > 1200000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.11, 0)
Case Is > 1050000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.1, 0)
Case Is > 900000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.09, 0)
Case Is > 750000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.075, 0)
Case Is > 650000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.06, 0)
Case Is > 550000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.045, 0)
Case Is > 450000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.035, 0)
Case Is > 400000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.025, 0)
Case Is > 350000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.015, 0)
Case Is > 250000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.0075, 0)
Case Is > 180000: FlatRateTax = WorksheetFunction.Round(TotalIncomePerAnnum
* 0.005, 0)
Case Is > 0: FlatRateTax = TotalIncomePerAnnum * 0
End Select
End Function
Function MarginalReliefTax(TotalIncomePerAnnum)
Select Case TotalIncomePerAnnum
Case Is > 8650000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((8650000 *
0.19) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 8650000) * 0.6, 0)
Case Is > 4550000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((4550000 *
0.185) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 4550000) * 0.6, 0)
Case Is > 3550000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((3550000 *
0.175) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 3550000) * 0.5, 0)
Case Is > 2850000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((2850000 *
0.16) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 2850000) * 0.5, 0)
Case Is > 2250000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((2250000 *
0.15) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 2250000) * 0.5, 0)
Case Is > 1950000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((1950000 *
0.14) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 1950000) * 0.4, 0)
Case Is > 1700000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((1700000 *
0.125) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 1700000) * 0.4, 0)
Case Is > 1450000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((1450000 *
0.11) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 1450000) * 0.4, 0)
Case Is > 1200000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((1200000 *
0.1) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 1200000) * 0.4, 0)
Case Is > 1050000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((1050000 *
0.09) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 1050000) * 0.4, 0)
Case Is > 900000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((900000 *
0.075) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 900000) * 0.3, 0)
Case Is > 750000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((750000 *
0.06) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 750000) * 0.3, 0)
Case Is > 650000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((650000 *
0.045) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 650000) * 0.3, 0)
Case Is > 550000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((550000 *
0.035) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 550000) * 0.3, 0)
Case Is > 500000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((450000 *
0.025) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 450000) * 0.3, 0)
Case Is > 450000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((450000 *
0.025) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 450000) * 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 400000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((400000 *
0.015) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 400000) * 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 350000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((350000 *
0.0075) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 350000) * 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 250000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((250000 *
0.005) + (TotalIncomePerAnnum - 250000) * 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 180000: MarginalReliefTax = WorksheetFunction.Round((180000 * 0) +
(TotalIncomePerAnnum - 180000) * 0.2, 0)
Case Is > 0: MarginalReliefTax = TotalIncomePerAnnum * 0
End Select
End Function
Function MontlyTax(TotalIncomePerAnnum) As Integer
MontlyTax = WorksheetFunction.Min(FlatRateTax(TotalIncomePerAnnum),
End Function
This example has been taken from "Excel 2007 Macros Made Easy". Thanks again
for your answer and advice. I will keep in mind.