Donna said:
A could be less than or more than 10% but the result can
never be more than 5% of B. I don't know the formula to
limit the result to 5%.
First of all, it was not clear in your initial posting that "10.000" was
intended to be interpreted as a percentage. That might be why David's
solution is not working for you. You could write:
=B1 * min(A1%,5%)
But personally, I think it would be better if you entered 10% into A1, and
formatted the cell as Percentage with the desired number of decimal places,
if necessary.
Second, I am sensing that you might not understand the MIN() function and
why it does exactly what you requested. The above is a more efficient way
of writing:
=B1 * if(A1% < 5%, A1%, 5%)
or if you prefer:
=if(B1*A1% < B1*5%, B1*A1%, B1*5%)
The latter says exactly what you wrote in your first posting, namely: "the
formula for saying A * B but not greater than B * .05"
The MIN() function returns the smallest of its arguments, which can more
than 2, by the way.
Does that help?
----- original posting -----