Result = to 0 says false



I am pulling my hair out at this point and need some help.

I have a worksheet with many cells and calculations.
I have calculations performing on results of a calculation. In then end of
all of this I have a If statement that says IF(Y4=0,"Yes","No")
In the function argument box it says that Y4 is false and the result inthat
cell is 0.
So it is telling me that 0 is not equal to 0.

I don't get it. This was a sheet I got from an end user and at first I
thought it was her formatting so I copied the contents and pasted the values
and did the calculations my self. Still same result. Then I started the
whole sheet over from scratch and still same result.

If this is not clear I can post the cells and their contents. Just let me
know what you need.


FALSE = 0, Becky

Not knowing the formulae used, and how it ends up with FALSE, I cannot
really assist you. Suggest youd repost, and give more specific information.
Of particular interest would be the formula that resuls in FALSE.


The result of Y4 might not be exactly 0 but Excel "fudges" it to be 0. Try

Format cell Y4 as NUMBER and set it to 15 decimal places. Do you get exactly
0.000000000000000 or do you get something like this: 0.000000000721000



May have overlooked the obvious first thing to check!

Are you sure the zero is a numeric 0 and not a TEXT 0?


If that formula returns Yes then the 0 in Y4 is TEXT.


Anthony D

Hi Becky,

I wonder, if it is possible that there is a mathematical operator involved
with the cells that appear to be false (0) ?
For example, the entry +false results in false, which is treated as non-zero
by the statement if(y4=0,"yes","no").
However, -false (and --false) results in 0. Copying these and doing a paste
special, values, results in 0



Excel keeps 15 places of precision. Depending on your data, try to set your
formula to look at + or - one more place of precision than expected.

For example, I use a formula like: =IF(ABS(A1)<.001,"true","false") when
working with data that is has 2 places of precision (like dollar amounts).


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