Retrieve Data to Pivot Table "On Demand"


Steve Haack

I have a pivot table that retrieves data from an Access Database. It has
enough data to show some trends.

Let's say that someone see a trend that may indicate a problem, so they want
to drill deeper into it. Is it possible to build the query for the Pivot
table to then go and retrieve more info from the database?

The goal is to keep the spreadsheet from growning to large due to carrying a
lot of data that may not be need all the time.


Roger Govier

Hi Steve

In order to do a drill down, the data has to be held in the Pivot Cache.
The data does not have to be loaded onto an Excel sheet first, it can be
loaded directly to the Pivot Cache, and even 1 million rows of data can be
loaded into cache in an XL2003 file without the file size getting too big.

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