Retrieve value using vb6 from an excel workbook - precision question



Hi All
I have a Vb6 app from which I am retreiving a value in a cell in a
worksheet in a workbook.

The code goes something like this:

SomeLabel.caption = MyCells(rownum,colnum).value

Looking directly at the cell in the workbook, I see a value of 3.

However when I debug.print or msgbox MyCells(rownum,colnum).value from
the vb6 app, I find that the value is actually more like 2.9999889889
or something similar.

Whether I format the cell in the workbook as a number to 0 decimal
places, or as General, makes no difference. I conclude from this that
the vb6 code is actuall retrieving the excel *stored* value rather than
the excel *presented* value. Is this correct? How do I retrieve the
value "3" rather than the entire floating point value? Or is the only
way to coerce the data type in the vb6 app using a ceiling like
function or declaring a variable as type integer and assigning it?

Any help appreciated.


Gary''s Student

You are 100% correct!

Something like
Dim v As Variant
v = Cells(1, 1).Value

will pick up what you call the *stored* value. The *displayed* value is
just smoke & mirrors. For example, you can format 1 to appear as a 2.

Your solutions are equally correct.

Bob Phillips


I think that your conclusions are correct.

Rounding and ceiling is the obvious solution, but don't forget that there
are worksheetfunctions to call upon, such as Round, Roundup, etc.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Peter T

Hi Andrew,

These floating point problems also occur in VBA. If you're not concerned
with long decimals maybe coerce to a Single

Sub test()
Dim v
Dim dbl As Double
Dim sng As Single
Dim i As Long

For i = 1 To 10
Cells(i, 1).Formula = "=1/10"

[a11].Formula = "=Sum(a1:a10)" ' should =1, but in XL only approximately

v = [a11].Value
dbl = [a11].Value
sng = [a11].Value

Debug.Print v = 1, v - 1
Debug.Print dbl = 1, dbl - 1
Debug.Print sng = 1, sng - 1

End Sub

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