Retrieve WRES_ID for a Resource via VBA



Hi all,
I wrote a macro to retrieve resource rates information from the enterprise
resource pool and writing it to a text file. I used the Resources object to
retrieve the information. I need the WRES_ID for the Resource as well, but I
don't see that field in the Resources object. How do I extract the WRES_ID?

Here's a sample of how I'm retrieving resource data. I need to add WRES_ID
to the MsgBox...
Sub GetRates()
Dim r As Resource
Dim rs As Resources
Dim prs As PayRates
Set rs = ActiveProject.Resources
For Each r In rs
Set prs = r.CostRateTables("A").PayRates
Dim dtFromDate
Dim dblStdRate
Dim dblOTRate
dtFromDate = prs(1).EffectiveDate
dblStdRate = prs(1).StandardRate
dblOTRate = prs(1).OvertimeRate
MsgBox ("From:" & dtFromDate & " Std Rate: " & dblStdRate & " OT Rate:
" & dblOTRate)
End Sub



I did. And it only shows me the same data as resource.ID which is the row
number of the resource on the Enterprise Resource Pool listing.

Jack Dahlgren

And what is the problem with that?
I don't see any lines in your code which reference the ID...
Are you saying you need the ID from the project server database?
What will you do with that?



I need the WRES_ID (that is in MSP_WEB_RESOURCES) in the extract so that it
can be used on downstream processes. I didn't post the entire script below.
I was just trying to show where I got the Resource Rates from. I cannot use
SQL to get the resource rates because the enterprise version of the rates is
stored in binary format. So, I'm using a script to get all the information.
But, I can't find WRES_ID in the resource object.


Jack Dahlgren

WRES_ID is not a property of the resource. You might look at the resource
table in the database to determine if there is some sort of join you can make
using resource unique ID. I think also that resource name should be unique so
perhaps you can use that as the key. I don't have a copy of the database
handy to look it up, but look around at the tables and I think you should
find a way.

-Jack Dahlgren

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