How can one retrieve the value of a Ent Outline code for say, Level 4?
Level 1 Strategy #1
Level 2 |__ Automotive Div
Level 3 | |__ ex. "Reduce Operating Expenses"
Level 4 | |__ HIGH
| |__ MEDIUM
| |__ LOW
Level 2 |__ Consumer Div
I'd like to use an IIF statement in an Ent Custom Number field that says if
Level 4 = "HIGH " then take on a value of "5" for instance.
Is there a syntax that will return the outline value at a specific level
which i could use in the IIF statement?
Level 1 Strategy #1
Level 2 |__ Automotive Div
Level 3 | |__ ex. "Reduce Operating Expenses"
Level 4 | |__ HIGH
| |__ MEDIUM
| |__ LOW
Level 2 |__ Consumer Div
I'd like to use an IIF statement in an Ent Custom Number field that says if
Level 4 = "HIGH " then take on a value of "5" for instance.
Is there a syntax that will return the outline value at a specific level
which i could use in the IIF statement?