Unfortunately, Access does not expose that to you. You need to code it
into the event yourself.
Whatever you are doing with the MouseMove event, you are probably calling
a function in a standard module to process it if you must do similar kinds
of things in the events of multiple controls. If you need the X and Y
co-ordinates or button states, you will need to use the event procedure to
call the generic function. If you don't care about those, you could place
the call to your generic function directlly into the On Mouse Move
property of the control, and you can do that programmatically. This kind
of thing:
For each ctl in Forms!Form1.Controls
If ctl.ContolType = acTextBox Then
ctl.OnMouseMouse = "=MyFunc([" & ctl.Name & "])"
End If
That's assuming that MyFunc() accepts a control as its argument:
Function MyFunc(ctl As Control)
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Mark A. Sam said:
Does anyone know a way of retriving the name of a control during the
MouseMove event while the mouse pointer is moving over that control?
Thank you and God Bless,
Mark A. Sam