Retrieving Cost Rate information in a PS2007 Reporting Server Report


Frank Jutte


I'm trying to create a report with Reporting Server that presents a column with the applicable Cost Rate for a Resource that has been assigned to a specific task:

Resource A Task X Cost Rate table appl. Cost Rate
Task Y Cost Rate table appl Cost Rate
Task Z Cost Rate table appl Cost Rate

Unfortunately I cannot find a Cost Rate table in de the Reporting Database behind Project Server 2007, it is however present in the Published database. Does anybody know how I can retrieve this information in order to present it in my reports?



Paul Conroy

HI Frank,

I can't see this info in the RDB either. How you could easily calculate is
by using the assignment information

assignment cost / assignment work = resource rate

Frank Jutte

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your respond, it's a good suggestion that I'll try out. The only
constraint I see is that an assignment should consist of only 1 resource or
multiple resources with the same rate. Assigning multiple resources to 1
instance of a task in my opinion isn't a best practice anyway so I think
this is quite a good solution.

Rgds, Frank


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your respond, it's a good suggestion that I'll try out. The only
constraint I see is that an assignment should consist of only 1 resource or
multiple resources with the samerate. Assigning multiple resources to 1
instance of a task in my opinion isn't a best practice anyway so I think
this is quite a good solution.

Rgds, Frank

- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -


Found out that the rates per resource are stored as a blob in the
Resource Table, fetching these rates with a Reporting Server Report is
not possible I think. Perhaps the most flexible wayof solving this
problem is to use the PSI and have some kind of batch process update
custom tables in the Reporting Database. These tables could then be
easily joined by the Resource UID, creating a report with cost rate
information will then be a peace of cake.



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