Retrieving MAC addresses


J.D. Haight


How does one retrieve the computer MAC address using VBA?

I've got an automated date/user stamp feature that's working nicely in
Access, but would like to further confirm with the MAC address.


Martin Seelhofer

Hi J.D.
How does one retrieve the computer MAC address using VBA?

Here's a hint:

Function getMACAddress() As String
Dim wbm As Object
Dim configset As Object
Dim el
Set wbm = CreateObject("winmgmts:\\localhost\")
Set configset = wbm.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
For Each el In configset
If InStr(1, el.Caption, "Network") > 0 Then
getMACAddress = el.MacAddress
End If
End Function

However, since there might be (and probably are) multiple network
adapters, you somehow must identify the actual LAN-card. In my
case, this was possible in the way demonstrated above (--> look
for string "Network" in the caption-property). This might not be the
case for your configuration, though...


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