retrieving the mergefield list...



Hello, dear group.
For my first post, i have a great question : i'd like to know if it'
possible to retrieve the list of all the merge fields of a document
and store it in a flat file.

I think to write a macro which will be executed when the user saves th

The document will have from 0 to n fields, depending on the user'
context, so the dimension of the list is not fixed.

Oh, just one thing : i'm a java, C, perl programmer. But with V
macros, i'm an absolute beginner...

Thanks in advance for your help, and please excuse my poor english

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You should be able to mould this into doing what you want:

Dim mf As Variant
For Each mf In ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.FieldNames
ActiveDocument.Range.InsertAfter mf & vbCr
Next mf

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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