Jason Logue
Hi, I currently have macro that that generates userforms for a
template. The user walks through each userform, enters text and
clicks Next. On a few of the windows, they will click another button
that is designed to retreive information from a bookmarked manual.
The first window that pops up displays the chapters. They select the
chapter with the text they want, and then the bookmarked sections are
displayed. When they click on the button for that section, the
adjacent textbox in the first userform is filled with this
information. They can then click Next on the bottom of the window to
move on.
I'd like to make the chapter/section retrieval windows available to
the client anywhere in the document. They could simply click on a
toolbar button and it would insert the text after the cursor.
The code for opening the chapter window, then section window and then
retrieving the information for a textbox goes like the following.
This is an example using Chapter1, Section 1.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Chapters1a.Show (this shows the list of chapters in the manual)
End Sub
'Then the user clicks on a chapter, in this instance chapter one.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Chapters1a.Hide(this hides the list of chapters)
Chapter1a.Show (this shows the chapter one window with the bookmarked
End Sub
'Then the user clicks on 1.1 (Chapter one, section one) to insert the
text in the textbox on the userform from where they clicked the first
'This is the code under the 1.1 button.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Call ButtonClick
Set source = Documents.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\Logue\My
Documents\Allied Title\exceptions\exceptions.doc")
(The above code sets the source as the Exceptions.doc, which is the
Userform3.TextBox8.Text = source.Bookmarks("Chapter1_1").Range
(The above code tells the text in bookmark Chapter1_1 to populate the
textbox in Userform3. I would like it to populate the location of the
cursor in the current document.)
Documents("C:\Documents and Settings\Logue\My Documents\Allied
Title\exceptions\exceptions.doc").Close SaveChanges = False
(The above code just closes the exceptions.doc)
(The above code hides the section window.)
End Sub
template. The user walks through each userform, enters text and
clicks Next. On a few of the windows, they will click another button
that is designed to retreive information from a bookmarked manual.
The first window that pops up displays the chapters. They select the
chapter with the text they want, and then the bookmarked sections are
displayed. When they click on the button for that section, the
adjacent textbox in the first userform is filled with this
information. They can then click Next on the bottom of the window to
move on.
I'd like to make the chapter/section retrieval windows available to
the client anywhere in the document. They could simply click on a
toolbar button and it would insert the text after the cursor.
The code for opening the chapter window, then section window and then
retrieving the information for a textbox goes like the following.
This is an example using Chapter1, Section 1.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Chapters1a.Show (this shows the list of chapters in the manual)
End Sub
'Then the user clicks on a chapter, in this instance chapter one.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Chapters1a.Hide(this hides the list of chapters)
Chapter1a.Show (this shows the chapter one window with the bookmarked
End Sub
'Then the user clicks on 1.1 (Chapter one, section one) to insert the
text in the textbox on the userform from where they clicked the first
'This is the code under the 1.1 button.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Call ButtonClick
Set source = Documents.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\Logue\My
Documents\Allied Title\exceptions\exceptions.doc")
(The above code sets the source as the Exceptions.doc, which is the
Userform3.TextBox8.Text = source.Bookmarks("Chapter1_1").Range
(The above code tells the text in bookmark Chapter1_1 to populate the
textbox in Userform3. I would like it to populate the location of the
cursor in the current document.)
Documents("C:\Documents and Settings\Logue\My Documents\Allied
Title\exceptions\exceptions.doc").Close SaveChanges = False
(The above code just closes the exceptions.doc)
(The above code hides the section window.)
End Sub