retrive data



I have a folder for each month with diferent workbooks.
I want to create a workbook with 15-20 sheets. I need a vb formula to search
a name in all closed workbooks and dispay in sheet 1 everything it found. In
sheet 2, to display what it found but for another name....etc.
But i need the formula to display the name it found and the next 4 cell next
to name.
After name and the other 4 cell, i need the formula to show me the sheet
name where the name was found and then the workbook's name.
The name it's something like john ed, but i need the formula to make a
partial search. If i right jo, to display everything begening with jo (john,
john ed, etc)


database workbook :

a b c d e f

1 john id 101 30.06 15:03 2 monday 23.06-27.06
2 john ed id 102 23.06 10:27 5 friday
3 .....etc

First 5 (a,b,c,d,e) cells in first row has been retrieved from closed
"f" cell it's sheet's name where first 5 rows has been found.
"g" cell it's the workbook name where first 5 rows has been found.

So, basically, i want to have a database in one workbook and to have each
name in a sheet. (john sheet with all john's data, mary sheet with mary's
data...etc) I need the data to be retrieved from close workbook. And when i
open my database workbook, the data to be updated.
The data i want to all other workbooks looks the same as
example 1. The only diference is that the data begin with 5'th row and b
The other thing is that i dont want the formula to search in a sheet named
"planning" because it will retrieve o diferent kind of data.

thanks in advance, and allot!

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