return based on range of dates



I am trying to return a # of leads issued to a salesperson based on a range
of dates from their worksheet to a master worksheet.

the formula i have is: =COUNTIF('SalesPerson'!A2:A500,DATE(2006,1,24))

this works and returns all the leads issued on 1/24/2006 just fine. but i
want to return the # of leads for the entire MONTH (January in this case).
the worksheet i'm trying to pull from is set up:

A2 1/24/2006
A3 1/24/2006
A4 1/26/2006
A5 2/1/2006


Try this:


This is an array formula so you must commit it with
<CTRL><SHIFT><enter> at the same time - if you do it correctly, Excel
will wrap curly braces { } around the formula.

Date_range is the range where your dates are, eg A1:A50 - substitute as
appropriate. This looks for dates where MONTH( ) = 1. You can have this
looking at a cell if you wish, so that you can change the value in the
cell for a different month.

Hope this helps.



hhmmm. this returns a value of 490 when it should be 7. in other words, there
are 7 rows with dates ranging from 1/1/2006-1/31/2006 in column A. there are
around 12 rows with dates ranging from 2/1/2006-2/28/2006 in column A. i'm
trying to extract ONLY the number of January rows from this sheet and put the
count in a "January" column i have set up in my master sheet. same for the
other months of the year.

does that make more sense? thanks for the help BTW


Wierd. After playing around, that formula works for February - December but
isn't for January. Thank you though. I am REALLY close now


Matt said:
Wierd. After playing around, that formula works for February - December
isn't for January. Thank you though. I am REALLY close now

In Excel a blank cell - in date terms - is a date in January 1900 so
=MONTH(A1), when A1 is blank gives 1, i.e. January, hence your
problems. There are several other approaches which would eliminate this
problem, one is


or for a more generic approach put the 1st day of the month you
require, e.g. 01/01/2006 in a cell, e.g. H2 and use


Note:EOMONTH requires Analysis ToolPak


That did IT!! would only work with the Generic version though for some reason

Thanks a TON

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