Return Data from Specified Cell Series



I have data in a series of cells such as B10; B23; B36; B49; (every 13th row
through B2090) and correlating data in cells I19; I32; I45; I58 (every 13th
row through I2103).

I want to copy the cell contents to a new worksheet in the same workbook
where A10 would transfer to A2 on the new worksheet; I19 would transfer to
B2; A23 to A3; I32 to B3; etc. I know this can be done one at a time with
Paste Special or just copy and paste. I want to have a formula that I can
replicate down each column that will return the correct data.

Help please!


One way ..

Assume source data as posted is in Sheet1

In say, Sheet2,

In A2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$10,ROW(A1)*13-13,)
In B2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$I$19,ROW(A1)*13-13,)
Select A2:B2, copy down 160 rows or until zeros appear,
signalling exhaustion of data

Then freeze the values by selecting cols A & B, do an in-place: copy > paste
special > Check "Values" > OK

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