Return email address


Top Spin

Where is the return email address stored -- the one Outlook uses as
the "Sent from" address when I send email out?

Can I create two such return addresses?

I have a case management program (Time Matters) that uses Outlook to
manage email. I would like all email sent from TM to have my business
return address ("mail@xxx") rather than my personal email address

I am told by the tech that there is no way to change the "Sent from"
email address in TM, because it uses whatever is set up in Outlook. I
thought that if I could set up a second one in Outlook, I might be
able to get one of them to use a different one.

Thanks for any suggestions or pointers.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

what version of outlook and what type of mail accounts? You need to create a
second mail account...

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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Top Spin

what version of outlook and what type of mail accounts? You need to create a
second mail account...

Sorry, I thought I had a signature with that for this group.

I am currently running Outlook 2000.

I don't know what type of mail account I have. How can I tell? I have
a DSL line and the email comes through an ISP.


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