Hi Dave.
Thanks. You are quite right.
My brain must have been disabeled for a few seconds.
Notice the way I am using mid with 2 parameters.

Hope you can approve belove.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim MyString As String
MyString = OnlyString(ActiveCell)
End Sub
' Procedure : OnlyString
' Date : 20060903a
' Author : Joergen Bondesen
' Modifyed by :
' Purpose : Display Formula without leading '=' and
' leading '+'
' Note : Eg. =5+2 => '5+2' or =+B5+C3 => 'B5+C3'
Function OnlyString(cell As Range) As String
If TypeName(cell.Value) = "String" Or _
IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then
OnlyString = "No formula."
Exit Function
End If
If cell.HasFormula Then
If Mid(cell.Formula, 2, 1) = "+" Then
OnlyString = _
Mid(cell.Formula, 3, Len(cell.Formula) - 2)
OnlyString = _
Mid(cell.Formula, 2, Len(cell.Formula) - 1)
End If
End If
End Function