Return from a Webservice




I have a question that can I believe interest a lot of people:

When you have send your document Xml to a webservice for do an
XMLTransform how to send back to infopath?

i explain me I send my xml do a XSLT transformation for WordML and I
wan't to return to infopath for that he launch me Word with the
document that the WS send.

Open a word document with Infopath I know how to do!

but for send and receive to Infopath I don't know?

Has anybody an idea?

If that can help you to see my WS:

public XmlDocument OpenWord(XmlDocument doc)
XslTransform xslt = new XslTransform();
XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
StringWriter result= new StringWriter();
XmlUrlResolver resolve= new XmlUrlResolver();
xslt.Transform(nav ,null, result, resolve);
XmlDocument infopath = new XmlDocument();
return infopath;

Thanks for all your answer



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