Return Key and Line Spacing


Karen Skerrit

All of a sudden, when I use the Return key, the next line of typing leaps to
the end of the page. Each subsequent line also ends up at the foot of the
page, but the text moves up with each return. The line spacing is normal
when the text wraps around.

This behaviour only seems to occur with documents from the New template and
not with documents from my own templates or documents previously created.

I'm was using 10.2, but updated to 11.3 today with the problem persisting.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Daiya Mitchell

Hi Karen,

Check Format | Document | Layout, and make sure Vertical Alignment is set to
Top. Sounds like it may be set to Justified or Center.

Hit Default out of that dialog, and it should fix new documents from then
on. If new documents continue to misbehave, be sure to report back, there's
a different method to make Top the default.


Hi Karen -

It sounds like you've somehow gotten your Vertical Alignment set to
Justified in the Normal template.

Am going from memory here - am not at a Mac - but I think what you need is
in Format>Document>Layout. Change the Vertical alignment back to Top, then
click the Default button to make it 'stick' in Normal.

If my memory doesn't take you to the right place, look up Vertical Alignment
in Help & it will :)

Should that prove to not be the problem please post back.


Ya snuck one past me again, dincha kid?!!!:)... Sorry, you're reply hadn't
yet shown up when I threw mine in the ring.

Daiya Mitchell

I generally figure that's the deal. :) (Once I got used to Suzanne B saving
all hers up with timestamps well before the moment she hits Send, I always
assume it's the tech resulting in double answers).


Karen Skerrit

Thank you CyberTaz and Daiya

Spot on. Don't know how I changed the alignment in the first place, but
all's well now.

Thanks again.


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