Excel 2003
Win XP
Need to get a reference to the individual ListItem object upon which the
user DragDrops within a target ListView control.
Private Sub ListView1_OLEDragDrop[snip]
Dim LstItm As MSComctlLib.ListItem
Set LstItm = Me.ListView1.HitTest(x, y)
The above works however it always returns a reference to the
first (Index = 1) ListItem object in the target control, regardless of what
x and y coordinates are.
Thanks for any help.
Win XP
Need to get a reference to the individual ListItem object upon which the
user DragDrops within a target ListView control.
Private Sub ListView1_OLEDragDrop[snip]
Dim LstItm As MSComctlLib.ListItem
Set LstItm = Me.ListView1.HitTest(x, y)
The above works however it always returns a reference to the
first (Index = 1) ListItem object in the target control, regardless of what
x and y coordinates are.
Thanks for any help.