I putting together a double entry accounts sheet.
On the first page, the 'puchase day book', I enter the date, company
name, invoice number, and then gross, net and tax. When I pay this
invoice I then enter a paid date and a cheque number.
On the second sheet, 'bank payments', I want to re-call all the entries
from the first sheet (to save me retypeing them) by just entering the
cheque number.
I use the formula :
=SUMIF('Purchase day book'!$H$9:'Purchase day
book'!$H$10000,B11,'Purchase day book'!$D$9)
to recall company name, invoice number, gross, net, tax, and paid
date. It works fine for the gross, net, tax, but not for anything that has
text in it, ie. company name, invoice number and paid date.
I need the formula for these remaining ones to work like:
if the cheque number entered on worksheet 2 is the same as any
cheque number from worksheet 1 then copy the apporipate cell
information from the appropirate row.
Is there a formula, or way of returning text or text and numbers?
Hope this makes a little more sense?