return the largest value associated with a duplicate occurrence



I'm looking for help on finding a formula to express the largest (or 2nd
largest,etc) score for a particular school.

Examine the following:

Sheet 1:

Col_A Col_B Col_C Col_D
1 School Name Math_Score Verbal_Score
2 Washington Tom 81 71
3 Madison Jim 79 66
4 Lincoln Bill 90 88
5 Washington Zack 81 84
6 Washington Suzy 71 79
7 Lincoln Robby 59 64
8 Lincoln Tracy 71 77
9 Madison Jennifer 88 88
10Madison Emily 84 79
11 Washington Earl 70 72
12 Lincoln Claire 92 91
13 Washington Kate 88 93
14 Madison Jeff 86 85

On Sheet 2 I wish to show the best 3 scores from each school as:

Math_Score Verbal_Score
1st (?) (?)
2nd (?) (?)
3rd (?) (?)

Math_Score Verbal_Score
1st (?) (?)
2nd (?) (?)
3rd (?) (?)

Math_Score Verbal_Score
1st (?) (?)
2nd (?) (?)
3rd (?) (?)

I was attempting to use the "Looking up a particular occurrence" portion at
the bottom of this page as a reference:

But this example only gives me associated value for the 2ND occurrence of
the duplicate value. I'm looking for the Largest occurrence of a duplicate
value - in my case, the given school.

Sheet1 cannot be edited. I simply need to leave every other part of the
workbook as-is and create formulas for the (?) cells to produce the desired

Many thanks in advance for your help on this puzzle.

Teethless mama

School in A2:A400
Math in C2:C400
Your criteria in F1 (example: Washington)


copy down as far as needed

JE McGimpsey

One way:

NOTE: these formulae must be array-entered (CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER or

For Washington's math scores:


Similarly, for Madison's verbal scores:



Works perfectly! Thanks!

JE McGimpsey said:
One way:

NOTE: these formulae must be array-entered (CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER or

For Washington's math scores:


Similarly, for Madison's verbal scores:


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