Return to main menu code



I've created numerous forms and have set up the Switchboard usign the wizard.
I would like to add a command buttong "Main Menu" to return to the
switchboard at the bottom of each form. How can I do this? (Sorry, I'm
greener than green with this programming stuff).


Albert D. Kallal

Cruisinid said:
I've created numerous forms and have set up the Switchboard usign the
I would like to add a command buttong "Main Menu" to return to the
switchboard at the bottom of each form. How can I do this? (Sorry, I'm
greener than green with this programming stuff).

If the user clicks on the "x" on a form it will close the form and the user
will be returned to the switchboard. So in effect what you're asking is how
can you close the form to return to the switchboard?

Open up the form in design mode, and make sure the wizard "wand" is selected
for the toolbar. Now simply drag a button on to the corner of the form form
needs to be in design mode). The wizard will ask you series of questions,
and will build a close button for you. (choose form operations).

The wizard created button can be left as is, or you can add some text to the
button called

"close and return to switchboard"

(by the way it's not clear if you users will understand the terminology
"switchboard", or even know what one is, but we'll leave that issue for
another day).

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