Return Unique Records ... No Blanks



Excel2003 ... WS2, Col D ... contains Random (often repeating) text ...

Looking for Formula in WS1 Col C that will return "unique" Values only from
WS2 Col D ... (I want no spaces or empty cells) ... Desire results to be
exactly if I had used Advanced Filter ... & then copy/paste.

I desire to do this by Formula instead of Advanced Filter because my data in
WS2 Col D is constantly changing.

Thanks ... Kha


this technically isn't using a formula, but you could use a pivot
table to find the unique values.


Assume WS2 data starts in D1, and may extend down to D200
Assume your unique list to start in WS1, C1.

In WS1, C1 enter:


In C2, enter this *array* formula:


Array formulas must be entered with CSE, <Ctrl> <Shift > <Enter>, instead of
the regular <Enter>, which will *automatically* enclose the formula in curly
brackets, which *cannot* be done manually. Also, you must use CSE when
revising the formula.

*AFTER* the CSE entry, copy down until you get an #N/A error.
This means that you've exhausted your uniques at this time.

As you add and/or change your data on WS2, those errors will change to
return updated unique entries.


Excellent ... I do not know how it works ... but it works. Sorry for delayed
"Reply", but I had a few Vaca days to burn & I am just getting back to this.

Very useful in what I do ... Thanks again ... Kha


It appears that you have a rather extended vacation package.
Must be a good industry.<bg>

Appreciate the feed-back.

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