Return value of Selection.Cells.Count


Skin Paul

Hi all, using xl 2004 version 11.3.5
Have spent many hours trying to work this out but to no avail.
Question is: How do I get a return value of cell count for for a selection
that has no known parameters? If I know either the number of columns
or rows I can use the below macro to determine the last cell and make it
active. In this macro I know that it has 15 columns. Please excuse poor
Procedure. I would like to activate the last cell in a random selection
After copying and pasting values only. As this would be part of a larger
Procedure I can't just simply select the cell.
Thanks Paul.

Sub Inplace()

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Roc equals Row counter
'Ae equals cell count per row
Roc = 0
For Ae = 16 To 2000 Step 15
If Selection.Cells.Count < Ae Then
ActiveCell.Offset(Roc, 14).Range("A1").Select
Exit Sub
End If
Roc = Roc + 1
Next Ae
End Sub

Skin Paul

Hi Cancel post. I just worked it out " MsgBox

JE McGimpsey

Skin Paul said:
Hi all, using xl 2004 version 11.3.5
Have spent many hours trying to work this out but to no avail.
Question is: How do I get a return value of cell count for for a selection
that has no known parameters? If I know either the number of columns
or rows I can use the below macro to determine the last cell and make it
active. In this macro I know that it has 15 columns. Please excuse poor
Procedure. I would like to activate the last cell in a random selection
After copying and pasting values only. As this would be part of a larger
Procedure I can't just simply select the cell.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to do, here, but to activate the
last cell in a random selection (at least, one that has only one
continuous area) you can use:

With Selection
End With

You could also use


though if only one cell is selected, SpecialCells will return the last
used cell on the entire worksheet.

1) Note that, unless your code operates on a range that depends on the
user's selection at run-time, using Selections is generally unnecessary
- it tends to produce slower code that is harder to maintain than using
range objects directly.

2) A simpler way to convert the selection's formulae to values would be:

With Selection
.Value = .Value
End With

which you could combine with the above:

With Selection
.Value = .Value
End With

JE McGimpsey

Skin Paul said:
Hi Cancel post. I just worked it out " MsgBox

You could also use

MsgBox Selection.Cells.Count

Skin Paul

Thanks J.E. Still have not worked out how to utilize the value. Can I store
it by defining a name for it? (in the procedure) How do I access the value
in a procedure?
Thanks Paul

Skin Paul

Thanks again J.E. I missed your 5.18 post. All sorted now.
The last snippet:
With Selection
.Value = .Value
End With
Is brilliant.
Don't know what I would do without all gurus on this forum.

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