Returning all values



I have a problem I know someone has an easy answer too.

Sheet 1 contains the following

A1 : A6 all have ref1 entered in them
A7 : A12 all have ref2 entered in them

B1 : B6 list ref1 unique id's 60001 to 60006
B7 : B12 list ref2 unique id's 70001 to 70006

On sheet 2 I want to be able to type in either ref1 or ref2 into Cell
A1 making the entire list of unique id's relating to that ref appear in
B1 to B whatever it takes to list them all.

There are a lot of ref's and multiple unique ID's per ref.

Tried using the vlookup but only the first unique ref relating to the
ref I entered gets returned.

Hope someone can help

Eternally grateful


first thought is, why not use a pivot table?

When you reply we will be better able to help



One play ..

In Sheet2, A1 will house, eg: ref1

Put in B1:

Put in C1:

Select B1:C1, copy down to say, C20
to cover the max expected extent of returns for the reference in A1

Col B returns the required results, all neatly bunched at the top
(Hide away col C, if desired)

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