Guys - I need help with this little problem!
I have a worksheet that holds everyone's holiday period, that is the
first day of their holiday in one cell and the last day of their
holiday in another. The structure of this table is that row one
holidays the employee name across two merged cells, this means that
each employee has two columns in order to hold the dates of their
The problem that I want to crack is through use of a user form, how do
I return all of holiday dates to a list box when I search on a
employee's name? I have created a form with a text box where I can
enter in a name, and I can find the name using the Find function, but I
am stuck as to how to copy the correct columns giving the start and end
of the holiday.
There could anything up to 200 names on the table.
The other thing to note are that the dates (not the names) are linked
to cells in other workbooks as each employee holds their own
holidaysheet, and I think this may complicate the search.
Can anyone help with this?????