Returning everything to the left of a truncated field in access fromthe last full stop.

  • Thread starter robertadamharper
  • Start date


Hi All,

I have some text (see below) in an access field which has truncated.
What i want to do is return everything to the left of the last full

Please can anyone help?

Text below;-

"Curved Smoking SheltersCombining attractive modern design and smooth
curves with durable, heavy duty construction, this is a smoking
shelter of serious quality.¿Suitable for 8 - 10 people.¿Shelter has a
panel which is fitted at one end of the shelte"

Wanted result;-

"Curved Smoking SheltersCombining attractive modern design and smooth
curves with durable, heavy duty construction, this is a smoking
shelter of serious quality.¿Suitable for 8 - 10 people."


John Spencer

What version of Access?

You can use InStrRev to find the position of the last full stop and the left
function to return the desired string.


John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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