Revenue divided by Day How?


Qazi Ahmad

Dear All
I also need a Excel sheet that calculate automatically on daily basis. Exp.
One member register for 3 month starting day 4 May and end date 4Aug total
fee $150, the revenue should divide in way of valid days of the month , the
month of May should get 4 day revenue and Jun should get 30 day revenue July
should get 31 day share and Aug should get 4 day revenue.
Share of the month
Per day Revenue. 2.17
May 4 day=8.68
Jun 30 day = 65.10
July 31 Day = 67.27
Aug 4 Day = 8.68

Total Fee x total no of days= appeared in Starting to end month column.
Second i want to know how i assign a micro to a commond butten?
i have recorded micros just wnat to put


you should open the "form" toolbar and drag a button, then riht click and
choose assign macro.


This picks up further from your earlier post,
re: Every Month Revenue

Here's a revised sample which illustrates one way
to meet your latest requirement in this post:

Startdates in E3 down, Enddates in F3 down, Fee paid in I3 down
1st of month dates (formatted as "mmm-yy") listed in L2 across, viz: Jan-07,
Feb-07, etc

Fee per day:
In J3: =I3/(F3-E3+1)
Copy down (this is the easy part)

Then in L3:

Copy L3 across/fill down as far as required. This will calc the number of
days under each month's col as appropriate (between the startdates and
enddates in cols E and F) which is then multiplied by the Fee per day (col I)
to provide the required fee apportionment returns within the table.

Qazi Ahmad

It is really great great help to solve my problem I am very thankful to all
participant and especially Mr. Max who give me the solution of my problems.
Second, Some one please tell me how I become Excel Expert?

Thanks you all and Mr. Max


Good to hear that. You're welcome, Ahmad.
.. Some one please tell me how I become Excel Expert?
... well, one could always start by trying to answer posts in this .misc
newsgroup, or in other popular excel newsgroups (such as
..worksheet.functions, .newusers, etc).

One could also pick up a lot by studying excel newsgroup posts by others and
the responses given, perhaps try working out the "answer" to these posts (w/o
looking at the responses) then see how your "answer" compares to those given
in the responses. Bon voyage`!

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