Reverse Matrix lookup?



Hi All......
I have a small 5x5 matrix on a worksheet. Normally one supplies the Row
and Column Titles of a matrix to return the crossover value. I want to do it
in reverse. I want to supply the crossover value and in return get the Row
and Column Titles from the matrix, (not the Excel cell address).

TIA for any assistance,
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Gary''s Student

From S100 thru X105:

xxx 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
dogs 1 2 3 4 5
cats 10 9 8 7 6
pigs 11 12 13 14 15
fish 20 19 18 17 16
birds 21 22 23 24 25

a 5x5 with titles

Function titles(r As Range, v As Integer) As String
Dim rr As Range, s1, s2 As String, gotit As Boolean
titles = ""
gotit = False

For Each rr In r
If rr.Value = v Then
gotit = True
Exit For
End If
If gotit = False Then Exit Function

s1 = Cells(r.Row, rr.Column)
s2 = Cells(rr.Row, r.Column)
titles = s1 & Chr(10) & s2
End Function

=titles(S100:X105,12) will display:


Miguel Zapico

You can use matrix multiplication to get the result. Supposing your matrix
is in B3:F7, and the value to you want to locate is in A10, you can use
=MATCH(1,MMULT(--(B3:F7=A10),{1;1;1;1;1}),0) (gives the row, from 1 to 5)
=MATCH(1,MMULT({1,1,1,1,1},--(B3:F7=A10)),0) (gives the column, from 1 to 5)

You don't need to introduce them as array formulas, they just use arrays as

Hope this helps,

Miguel Zapico

Sorry I forgot the INDEX function (titles in B2:F2, A3:A7)
Row header: =INDEX(A3:A7,MATCH(1,MMULT(--(B3:F7=A10),{1;1;1;1;1}),0))
Column header: =INDEX(B2:F2,MATCH(1,MMULT({1,1,1,1,1},--(B3:F7=A10)),0))




B1:E1 contains the column labels

A2:A5 contains the row labels

B2:E5 contains the data

G2 contains the 'crossover value' of interest




....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER



....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER

Hope this helps!


Thanks Miguel, that seems to work pretty good as you describe. But in this
instance, I want the result to be the "Titles" from the Row and Column,
rather than it's relative number.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Miguel Zapico

I realized later about the titles, and made another post with the INDEX
function. I was too happy to have got the formula to run, that I forgot
about the final part :)



LOL....thanks again Miguel,
Your ammended formulas work just fine, even when I concatenated them to give
the result in one cell......

Many thanks
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Thanks very much Domenic........your formulas worked fine (after I got over
the email word-wrap

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Hi Gary"s Student, thanks for the reply. I had a little trouble with it at
first, getting some #VALUE! and #NAME errors.....but then I got the knack and
it seems to be ok now. I really prefer this method over the other much
longer formula suggestions, except that they both work on TEXT and I can't
seem to make this one do it. It seems to fail when trying to look up a TEXT
value, as well as any number in a row that has any TEXT in it and any row
thereafter. I know that was not a requirement in the original problem, but
could your solution be easily modified to work with both TEXT and numbers as
well? If so, I would be much appreciative.

Thanks again,
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Gary''s Student


I'll look at TEXT values later today. Right now the undergrads are swarming
all over our help center. I'll be tied up until after 6:00PM (east coast).


You're very welcome, Chuck! Glad I could help! Also, I should have
added that if the 'crossover value' of interest occurs more than once in
the data, the results will be based on the first occurrence. For

1) If the crossover value of interest is found in B4 and E3, the result
will be based on E3.

2) If the crossover value of interest is found in C1 and C4, the result
will be based on C1.

3) If the crossover value of interest is found in C4 and E4, the result
will be based on C4.

Hope this helps!


Thanks much Gary"s great rush. I am wanting to use this
for an upcoming project.....plenty of time. Also, just discovered it don't
seem to work in XL97......could something be changed to
allow?................I really appreciate your help.

Thanks again,
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Gary''s Student

New code:

Function titles(r As Range, vv As Range) As String
Dim rr As Range, s1, s2 As String, gotit As Boolean
titles = ""
gotit = False
v = vv.Value ' NEW LINE

For Each rr In r
If rr.Value = v Then
gotit = True
Exit For
End If
If gotit = False Then Exit Function

s1 = Cells(r.Row, rr.Column)
s2 = Cells(rr.Row, r.Column)
titles = s1 & Chr(10) & s2
End Function

1. changed header from integer to range
2. added a line to get value from range
3. tested it on:

xxx 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
dogs 1 2 3 4 5
cats 10 9 8 7 6
pigs 11 12 13 14 15
fish 20 19 carp 17 16
birds 21 22 23 24 25

in S100 thru X105. This version works on numbers, text, and dates.

There is a slight (better) difference in usage. For example in P88 enter 17
or carp.

Then use as =titles(S100:X105,P88) so we refer to a cell rather than
putting the value in the formula.

I no longer have access to a machine with Excel97 on it. I looked at the
code and its plain vanilla. Should work on 97; just can't test it.

Have a pleasant weekend.


Well Gary"s Student, that new code of yours is simply
OUTSTANDING!!!!!.....When I grow up
I want to be able to write code "jus like you"............seriously, I do
appreciate your kindness, and considerable talent put forth to solve this
problem for me. Thank you most kindly.

This new version runs equally well on my XL2k and XL97SR1 I have here at
home. Whereas
the first one did not run on the XL97SR2 I had at work, nor will it run on
XL97SR1 here at home. I dunno what the difference is, but this new one
really does good on both versions. Even tho I also have XP at work, I
really need it to be '97 compatible, because most of my users only have 97,
and it's like pulling teeth to get the MIS dept to upgrade them.

Incidently, this also works.....
with "S100:X105" in J1 and P88 named "MyLookup", but I have been unable to
get a RangeName to specify the matrix in the formula..........

But that's "SmallStuff", the main thing works and for that I thank you again
and again.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Gary''s Student

You are very welcome.
Gary''s Student

CLR said:
Well Gary"s Student, that new code of yours is simply
OUTSTANDING!!!!!.....When I grow up
I want to be able to write code "jus like you"............seriously, I do
appreciate your kindness, and considerable talent put forth to solve this
problem for me. Thank you most kindly.

This new version runs equally well on my XL2k and XL97SR1 I have here at
home. Whereas
the first one did not run on the XL97SR2 I had at work, nor will it run on
XL97SR1 here at home. I dunno what the difference is, but this new one
really does good on both versions. Even tho I also have XP at work, I
really need it to be '97 compatible, because most of my users only have 97,
and it's like pulling teeth to get the MIS dept to upgrade them.

Incidently, this also works.....
with "S100:X105" in J1 and P88 named "MyLookup", but I have been unable to
get a RangeName to specify the matrix in the formula..........

But that's "SmallStuff", the main thing works and for that I thank you again
and again.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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